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Dream Interpretation with Adam - What are Your Dreams Telling You?

Dreams can be a window into the subconscious mind, the future, the past and everything in between. They are a natural wonder of the mind as they show up in weird, wonderful, and sometimes scary ways.

Sometimes dreams are easy to understand – perhaps they are a strange or even straight forward manifestation of a conversation you had earlier in the day. Other dreams, however, may be a lot more difficult to interpret as they have no specific correlation to anything that is going on in your life.

This is where dream interpretation becomes a powerful tool for you to break down and get a deeper look into what your dreams might be telling you.

Our subconscious mind has the power to tell us some important things about our lives, if we are ready to listen.

dream interpretation South Africa

What Your Dreams are Telling You

In this first part of the dream series, we will be looking at the deeper meaning behind some of the most common dreams had by people and what they could possibly mean.

Dreaming About Animals

Animal dreams are extremely common and are often considered representations of ourselves and how we may be feeling during a certain phase of our lives.

These meanings refer to animal dreams that are not scary or nightmarish in any way, but rather neutral, or even pleasant.

  • Insects – dreams about insects often represent teamwork and that it is either lacking in your life or a sign that teamwork is important to you
  • Spiders – spiders can represent money and good fortune
  • Dogs – dreams about dogs can represent friendship, loyalty, and generosity
  • Snakes – snakes are often a sign of rebirth, wisdom, divine sexuality, and knowledge
  • Horses – this majestic animal represents physical and emotional strength
  • Bears – inner strength
Dreaming About Being Naked in Public

Dreams about being naked in public are more common than we would like them to be. You are in a normal public space and suddenly you look down and your clothes have disappeared, exposing you and making you feel vulnerable.

Generally, naked dreams can indicate feelings of shame, embarrassment, or vulnerability in real life. Conversely, the same dream may represent a sense of liberation or newfound freedom.

Dreaming About Falling

Every person on the planet has dreamt about falling and sometimes we wake up with a jerk when we start falling. But sometimes we carry on falling in our dream and contrary to popular belief, we will not die in real life if we hit the ground in our dream.

Falling can represent falling in love, falling pregnant, or feeling like you have no control over your current situation. The context of your life will provide a clearer understanding of what your falling dream means.

Dreaming About Flying

Flying dreams are often pleasant and can be quite fun to have. Often times, people who dream about flying can have control over their flight indicating that they are feeling in control, confident, and like life is going well.

On the contrary, if you are struggling to stay up in the air, it may mean that there is something in your life that you are finding difficult to manage or cope with.

Adam the Psychic Fortune Teller – Dream Interpretation South Africa

These meanings are just the tip of the iceberg of what can be happening in your subconscious and what your dreams could be telling you.

To get a much deeper and more accurate understanding of your dreams and what they mean, you would need to speak to an experienced dream interpreter.

Using my psychic abilities and intuitive process, I can provide you with clear and thorough dream interpretation, no matter how unusual or abstract your dreams may be.

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